Genius Sports Partnership

At the heart of ScoreBreak is data collection, creation of statistics and synchronization of video to support that data.

At the heart of Genius Sports is fast, accurate and reliable official data.

It makes sense these companies would come together to create a ground-breaking partnership.

ScoreBreak and Genius Sports will enable coaches and athletes to utilize live video, delivered to the bench, sidelines and locker-room, powered by official NCAA game statistics. It’s a combination never seen before in college athletics.

With ScoreBreak’s patented technology, all statistics taken during the game by Genius Sports LiveStats will immediately sync to the video once it is streamed or uploaded into the platform. All of that information is available on any mobile device in real-time, when decision-making matters most.

Genius Sports has helped support the evolving needs of NCAA programs by creating a cutting-edge system to capture, manage and distribute live data and statistics.

LiveStats is now used by 5 NCAA sports and counting, including 98% of Division 1 basketball games. But the innovative software is helping schools across all three divisions to power websites, apps and more.

One coach recently told us, “We are looking for any competitive advantage to get us over the top.” Once he saw what ScoreBreak and Genius Sports can provide, he excitedly proclaimed, “This is exactly what we need!”

ScoreBreak and Genius Sports are established as industry leaders. As Oliver Wells, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Genius Sports, said, “We’re pleased to be working with ScoreBreak, enhancing coaching decisions before, during and after games.”

Where coaches see problems, we see solutions. Let ScoreBreak and Genius Sports be your solution for all of your data collection and video needs.


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